Episode 46

June 21, 2022


Snubbed By The Church, Received By The Street

Hosted by

Jon Bowers
Snubbed By The Church, Received By The Street
I Heard It On The 806
Snubbed By The Church, Received By The Street

Jun 21 2022 | 00:09:38


Show Notes

Episode Summary

As Christians, it can be easy for us to get comfortable in our faith. We get used to going to the “easy places” – to all of the spots where we’ve done ministry before, and where we know that we won’t be outside of our comfort zones. But if we want to see true change in our churches and our communities, we have to be willing to follow Jesus to the hard places. 

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This requires us to step out in obedience to Him and do the things others are unwilling to do.

Listen to the episode "Snubbed By The Church, Received By The Street" to hear the full story.

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