Episode 30

March 01, 2022


The Holy Spirit Heals A Broken Marriage

Hosted by

Jon Bowers
The Holy Spirit Heals A Broken Marriage
I Heard It On The 806
The Holy Spirit Heals A Broken Marriage

Mar 01 2022 | 00:08:13


Show Notes

We’ve all heard the saying “God works in mysterious ways”. One night, a local man called Jon, thinking he was his brother, Jim, to let him know he was leaving his wife that night. Seeing this as an opportunity from the Lord, Jon went over to the man’s house to see if he could pray with the couple to help them save their marriage. What ensued was a firm reminder of what is spoken of in Isaiah 55:8 ‘“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.’

Listen to the episode "The Holy Spirit Heals A Broken Marriage" to hear the full story.

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